Positively ADHD

Positively ADHD offers soulful, brave, and neuro-affirmative spaces to uncover your authentic, extraordinary self through groups, workshops and 1:1 coaching.
Deal-based founder, Kaye Heyes, is a late-diagnosed neurodivergent life coach, who has developed a nurturing programme to support you in your journey to self-acceptance and uncovering the whole wonder of you. Even if you’ve spent your life in survival mode, not knowing who you are, you’ll discover that you can heal your past, reconnect to the real you and fully step into your power to create a life you love. Visit our website to sign up to our newsletter, book a free discovery call, or come to our regular meet-up in Deal, at 6.30pm at the Dining Club, on the first Wednesday of the month: our next meeting is 5th June. We’d love to have you join our tribe! www.positivelyadhd.co.uk or hello@positivelyadhd.co.uk