We would like to welcome new member Sue Gray from Help Me Sleep, contact Sue if you are suffering from insomnia, sleepwalking, snoring, night terrors or another sleep disorder. Sue can help you get a good night’s sleep and wake refreshed in the morning.
She works with your conscious and unconscious minds to improve your sleep quickly and effectively, no drugs or difficult routines. Sue also teaches Ascension Meditation, which allows you to discover inner peace, freedom and ease. If you are interested in Help Me Sleep and what they can do for you, call Sue on 07792 447331, email her at sue@suegray.co.uk or check out her website at www.suegray.co.uk
We would also like to welcome new member Stephen Conner from Competitive Business Services Kent, contact Stephen if you are a business looking for competitive pricing on all of your services.
Competitive Business Services Kent are a top supplier of business services such as Gas, Electricity, Telecoms, and Merchant services. If you are interested in what they can do for you, call Stephen on 07947 082846, email him at c-b-s-kent@outlook.com