Deal Business Lunch Club

The Deal Business Lunch Club has hosted local business owners at Dunkerley’s, No 81 and The Royal Hotel.  There’s no formal requirement to represent themselves or their business to the group at large, although some people do opt to have 60 seconds to promote themselves.

Some business bring props and products that they sell to show and share around the room, others prefer simply to mingle and chat openly with those around them.

They have a system for random seat allocations when people arrive and also to swap people around after they have had their main meal.  That way you get to meet a variety of people in a short space of time.

The room is never quiet and it’s hard to know quite what is being discussed, sometimes people from a similar industry are sat next to each other and discover that actually there is work they can do together that previously they would have had to turn down.

Some people have offered kind words of support, others have presented job opportunities that they have within their business.

More recently they have extended their invitation to business owners from the surrounding towns but as yet haven’t promoted this outside of the member group.

One member, Matthew Brett has recently taken over The Saracen’s Head and is offering a free buffet on Friday 24th June at 13:00 for the next meeting.

The main ethics of the Saracen’s head are that they source all food locally, within a 12 mile radius.  They support local artists who display their works in the pub.  They’ve tried to create a light and friendly environment which is welcoming to all …..

There are no joining or attendance fees and, there’s no exclusivity for trades or professions, if you need to know more visit, their next meeting will be Friday 29th April at The 81 Beach Street at 1pm.