The Chamber board have been aware for quite a while that the car parking issues in Deal have been of concern to our members. As such we have explored many different options to help ease the situation. In talks with Dover District Council we discussed a possible trial of a scheme of ‘Free After 3’ proposal on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
To maximise the potential of this proposed trial, the Chamber would like to gather data to use as evidence in our ongoing negotiations with DDC on car parking availability and charging, ahead of the scheduled districts car parking consultation later this year.
We ask that you look at the 2 questionnaires we have supplied on the following links:
These questionnaires are designed to gather the data the Chamber requires to present in the discussions with the DDC officers responsible for changing the Car Parking regulations, this information will need to be gathered before, during and after any trial, we will contact those that complete the forms before each step by email.
We ask that you please fill in your questionnaire and return to us as soon as you can by e-mail or you can drop it into Skinners Electrical in the High Street or Millards Insurance in Broad Street.
If you have any questions or comments about parking please feel free to e-mail Peter Davies, Chamber Secretary on enquiries@dwchamber.co.uk we would especially like to hear from you if you don’t use the town since Covid or due to the parking situation.